Friday, October 15, 2010

Does Patriotism Still Matter

    Yes. Who would serve our country? With the American flag up at every government, civil installations, and a lot of residencies, patriotism still matters. America guarantees that we have the right to say what we want, have to freedom and option to do things that we would like to do, and to live in a place where people cannot be punished because of beliefs, politics or way of living. We have built the strongest force, and we respect it each way we can. Yes, patriotism still matters. If we showed no respect to our country, wouldn't that mean that we don't care? Sure it does. If we don't respect the people who have served, the people who created a place of freedom and independence, who would we be? What would we be? Nothing. If no one cared anymore, who would want to serve in the military? Who would need to? If no one cared about the freedoms and choices available to them, America would fall apart. Yes, that's far out there, but it's hard to not want to show some sort of patriotism to America.

    Yes. Patriotism still matters. When I see someone with the flag up, or the one guy wearing the flag shirt, I immediately think of how much effort was put into the US, an how much people respect should respect it. I'm not saying to where a flag shirt to school, but the simple little joys we have were not created easily. You don't necessarily have to wear American clothes to be patriotic. When you help someone is distress, your being patriotic. If you go on with your life, without causing any havoc, you're being patriotic. So, yes patriotism still matters.

1 comment:

jap said...

good job Alec i think you should have entered the competition thingy