Friday, March 18, 2011


It is almost impossible to make everyone equal. It has rarely worked. This is simply because people are different. All it does is cause people to go from bad to worse. So many botched attempts have been made to make everything equal. This is described in “Harrison Bergeron”, which portrays a family’s sane son who tries to make things unequal for the better.

You cannot make everyone equal. It would be nice to live in a utopian society like that, but it is impossible. look at the racism in the world. It is still there. Communism. Everything is supposed to be better. But it never works. You may say “Well the story says it everyone can be equal”. No. They have made everyone dumb. So dumb they can’t remember what happened five seconds ago. And to the smart – you put a noise emitter in there ear to stop their thought process? And what about the beautiful? Masks? Neck weights for the strong? No. Diana Moon Glampors is sure not equal. Harrison Bergeron certainly knew. He was the only sane person there.

Equalization will most certainly never work. You cannot herd a countries citizens into a single group, as it will not go over well.

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